Well, today is off and on rainy. Not much to do but catch up on inside work with the occasional outdoor garden foray. I am still working on my garden little by little and it is so much easier to dig in the damp soil. It is also easier to pull weeds, too. So, getting a little done here and there is a good thing.
The tomatoes in my garden are old faves, Beeksteak, Lemon Boy, Roma and grape. I have a couple of new ones, a Japanese black (love the smokey mellow flavor of the black maters), a jelly bean tomato and a green one from France. Have some marigolds as the tomatoes love them, or at least that is what I have heard. Some cucumbers climbing the fence around the garden due to our new rescue dog, Sammie, loving to unplant everything I plant! LOL Some basil and flat leaf parsley, broccoli and cilantro and some microgreens round out the menu. Hopefully, the nasty blight that killed every tomato plant last year is a distant memory.
Finally found a plant I had been hunting for at least the last couple of years! It is a laceleaf peony plant and it has some buds on it. Will get that in the garden in the next few days. Also have to plant a native wisteria, Wisteria Frutescens 'Amethyst Falls', more beautiful than the Japanese wisteria! I hope to get pictures for you soon.
A lazy spotted dog at my feet and some homemade popcorn in the bowl. It is turning into a wonderful rainy Sunday!
It was so nice to chat with you this morning at the Lansdowne Farmer's market. :)